Jumat, 17 September 2010
Minggu, 05 September 2010
Membuat Kupu-kupu dari Daun Kering
oleh: Titik Kartitiana / Majalah Garden
Anda Bisa menghias ruang keluarga dengan berbagai cara. Antara lain dengan daun kering. Lukislah daun kering ini dan rangkai.
Di Eropa dan Amerika, seni ini sudah berkembang sekitar 5 – 10 tahun terakhir. Ide awalnya hanya memanfaatkan daun – daun kering yang jatuh di kebun. Berbagai daun kering tersebut dijadikan media untuk melukis. Aneka ragam bentuk lukisan bisa dihasilkan, mulai dari pemandangan alam, bentuk satwa, wajah manusia, hingga lukisan abstrak.
Siapa tahu juga kalau ditekuni pembuatan karya seni yang mudah dan murah ini mampu mendatangkan keuntungan finansial yang menjanjikan.
Langkah-langkah melukis:
1. Memilih daun
Pilihlah jenis daun yang bisa dikeringkan. Daun - daun yang banyak mengandung air (misalnya daun cocor bebek, lidah buaya, impatient) tidak bisa digunakan. Bentuk daun mesti disesuaikan dengan figur satwa yang diinginkan. Misalnya daun kupu – kupu bisa Anda gunakan untuk membuat kupu – kupu. Jika pengin membuat kumbang, pilih daun yang berbentuk lanset (panjang). Carilah daun yang sudah agak tua dan utuh. Jika terlalu muda, kurang bagus untuk dikeringkan.
2. Mengeringkan
Bersihkan daun-dauan dari sisa air atau embun dengan lap atau diangin – anginkan dulu. Lantas daun diselipkan di antara halaman buku. Atur sedikian rupa hingga semua permukaan daun tertutup oleh buku. Hindari penumpukan daun agar bentuk keringnya tetap bagus. Sebaiknya di atas buku tersebut ditaruh beban agar tekanan pada daun kering itu merata. Pengeringan ini membutuhkan waktu antara seminggu hingga dua minggu. Sebenarnya Anda bisa menggunakan dua papan yang disekrup. Alat ini digunakan untuk produksi masal atau daun – daun yang besar untuk karya khusus.
3. Melapisi warna dasar
Setelah daun – daun kering, Anda tinggal mewarnainya. Agar memunculkan warna sempurna, daun diberi cat dasar acrylic warna putih sampai merata. Setelah itu diangin-anginkan sekitar 10 – 15 menit sampai mengering. Langkah berikutnya kita membuat pola motif satwa yang dipilih.
4. Membuat pola
Sebetulnya langkah ini tidak perlu dilakukan jika Anda sudah terbiasa mewarnai. Namun untuk mengindari kesalahan, pola tetap diperlukan. Buatlah garis-garis sesuai kreasi Anda dengan pensil biasa. Atau bisa juga memanfaatkan urat – urat daun sebagai pola.
5. Memberi warna
Pewarnaan ini mengikuti pola yang sudah dibuat. Akan lebih mudah jika Anda mewarnai warna –warna muda terlebih dahulu. Baru kemudian warna yang lebih tua. Warna hitam paling akhir agar cat tidak berlepotan. Kombinasi tergantung selera. Variasi bentuk bisa didapatkan dengan cara menggunting tepi daun dan mengombinasi warna. Hanya saja pengguntingan ini akan menghilangkan bentuk asli daun. Setelah cat kering, Anda bisa menempelkan peniti atau double-tape di balik daun sebagai perekat pada bidang atau tirai yang akan dihias.
Nah, selamat berkreasi.
Foto: Rohedi Yulianto
Our Leaf luminaries
The homemade leaf votives:
Collect the following items: Leaves, Glass votive or jar, white tissue paper, Mod Podge (or water-down white glue), paintbrush, small candles or tealights. White glue or hot glue.
Collect small leaves from outdoors. Be sure they are not too brittle. It is best to collect them directly off the tree or bush. Press in flower press or between pages of heavy book. Allow to press for about an hour.
I find it easiest to first attach the leaves with either regular white glue or just a few dots of hot glue.
Jumat, 03 September 2010
A Castle on the Sea
Proyek kerajinan kertas luar biasa ini, dibuat oleh mahasiswa seni Jepang Wataru Itou, membutuhkan 4 tahun untuk menciptakan dan menamplkan fitur lampu dan kereta yang bergerak. Ini mungkin kerajian kertas yang paling menakjubkan yang pernah dibuat. Object seni ini disebut, dalam bahasa Inggris, "A Castle on the Sea," dan saat ini dipamerkan di Uminohotaru. Keseluruhan proyek, tidak termasuk lampu dan mungkin beberapa unsur mekanik kereta api, dengan susah payah dibuat dengan memotong dan melipat kertas.
Kamis, 02 September 2010
Learning Objectives
* Students will learn about paper quilling and the art of rolled paper. They will also investigate patterns and forms found in nature.
* Students will talk about paper quilling. Intricate paper rolling work was a hobby in the 18th century.
* Students will create a work of quilled art.
* Students will learn to appreciate the art created not only by them, but by others as well.
What You Need:
* paper shredder (optional)
* scissors or a paper cutter
* construction paper (various colors)
* glue
* string
* cardboard
What you Do:
1. Discuss paper quilling and its history (see resources below)
2. Shred paper in shredder ... children love to help.
3. You could instead cut construction paper into thin strips - about 1/2" wide
4. Give children a handful of paper and let them practice making a tight roll.
5. Children can make a tiny fold at one end of the paper, and roll it all the way to the end.
6. Encourage your students to let go of the spiralled roll a little, so there is a little space between the turns of the roll.
7. The rolls can be secured with glue.
8. Rolls can be round or oval in shape. Round rolls can be pinched at either end to make flower petal shapes.
9. You can make many other shapes by pinching the roll in different areas.
10. You can glue shapes together to make flowers, insects, animals ... etc.
11. It is important to assemble the rolls on the cardboard so that the spirals are visible, not the edge of the roll.
12. Students can also hang rolls from bits of string (a mobile perhaps?) or glue them to a pin back or barrette.
* Work that is more delicate in nature can be done with narrow 1/8" strips of thinner paper.
This paper can be rolled on a toothpick and pinched into elaborate shapes.
* You can keep the quilled work looking fresh by spraying it with a mixture of glue and water -- 80% water -- 20% glue. You can use hairspray as well. (Make sure you test a small piece of paper first to see if the colors bleed before you spray the entire piece.)Rabu, 01 September 2010
Luminaries light the way
Instead of throwing away plastic soda bottles, repurpose them to make luminaries for all kinds of occasions, from glittery summer gatherings to Halloween socials. To do so: Peel the labels from empty plastic soda bottles. Use adhesive remover and a paper towel to remove any residue. Wash the soda bottles thoroughly and let them dry completely. Using a utility knife or scissors, carefully cut off top of each bottle. But how to start the first cut? Yahoo Answers “best answer” recommends heating a screwdriver on the gas and melting a hole which you then cut with a pair of good scissors.
Next, cut a half-circle out of the back, near the bottom. (This will make it easier to add the sand and the candle later.)
Draw desired shapes on the sticky-backed, removable adhesive paper and cut them out. Adhere the shapes to the soda bottles, being careful to firmly seal edges with fingernail. Cover your work area with newspaper. Spray the soda bottles with Krylon Fusion for Plastic.
After 24 hours, carefully peel off the removable shapes. (The spray paint will be dry to touch after 15 minutes but should be allowed to cure for at least 24 hours before the luminaries are put into service.) Add sand to the base for weight and insert a candle into each luminary. Light and enjoy.
Krylon Fusion for Plastic Spray Paint available in select colours at Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, Rona, Reno Depot, Wal-Mart, Kent and many other hardware and home centre stores.
Empty plastic soda bottles from your pantry
Con-Tact Paper or any sticky-backed adhesive paper, available at most craft stores
Scissors and/or a utility knife
Adhesive remover
Paper towels
Drop cloths or newspaper
Rubber Gloves (optional)
Other ideas for reusing plastic soda bottles:
Make a potpourri holder. Cut off the bottom of the bottle, spray paint it, put it in the potpourri and cover the opening with lace and ribbon.
Make a “motion ocean.” Fill the bottle with half water, half oil. Add food colouring, glitter and turn. It’s great for a child’s show-and-tell day.
Make ice-packs for coolers or sore muscles. Fill bottles about two-thirds full and freeze. The plastic packs are ideal for placing in coolers and lunch boxes, and handy for emergency use when an ice-pack is needed.
Next, cut a half-circle out of the back, near the bottom. (This will make it easier to add the sand and the candle later.)
Draw desired shapes on the sticky-backed, removable adhesive paper and cut them out. Adhere the shapes to the soda bottles, being careful to firmly seal edges with fingernail. Cover your work area with newspaper. Spray the soda bottles with Krylon Fusion for Plastic.
After 24 hours, carefully peel off the removable shapes. (The spray paint will be dry to touch after 15 minutes but should be allowed to cure for at least 24 hours before the luminaries are put into service.) Add sand to the base for weight and insert a candle into each luminary. Light and enjoy.
Krylon Fusion for Plastic Spray Paint available in select colours at Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, Rona, Reno Depot, Wal-Mart, Kent and many other hardware and home centre stores.
Empty plastic soda bottles from your pantry
Con-Tact Paper or any sticky-backed adhesive paper, available at most craft stores
Scissors and/or a utility knife
Adhesive remover
Paper towels
Drop cloths or newspaper
Rubber Gloves (optional)
Other ideas for reusing plastic soda bottles:
Make a potpourri holder. Cut off the bottom of the bottle, spray paint it, put it in the potpourri and cover the opening with lace and ribbon.
Make a “motion ocean.” Fill the bottle with half water, half oil. Add food colouring, glitter and turn. It’s great for a child’s show-and-tell day.
Make ice-packs for coolers or sore muscles. Fill bottles about two-thirds full and freeze. The plastic packs are ideal for placing in coolers and lunch boxes, and handy for emergency use when an ice-pack is needed.
Try this idea from our easy plastic bottle crafts selection. It's just another good reason to start recycling. Enjoy!
Here's a list of all the things you'll need to make this craft.
- Empty 2 liter plastic bottle
- White glue
- Scissors
- Markers
- Acrylic paints
- Paint brushes
- Sandpaper
- Stickers
- Skewers
- Cut the plastic bottle one-third of the way down from the top
- Sand the bottle using sandpaper
- Mark at least 5 "petals" using a waterproof marker
- Cut out the petals
- Coat with a layer of white glue and let dry
- Paint and decorate the petals using acrylic paints, waterproof markers and other stickers and glitter
- Poke a small hole through the bottle cap
- Place a skewer through the hole and screw back onto the bottle
- There you have it! A colorful spring flower.
How to make Leaf Art
When the leaves start to fall and the crisp air is calling you outdoors, try this fun and festive craft to get you in the mood for autumn! Make it even more special by pairing this activity with some warm apple cider and your favorite fall treat!
- Glue and liquid tempera paint or food coloring; or thinned colored glue
- Paintbrush
- 2 equal-size sheets of wax paper
- Colorful leaves
- Flowers, pine needles, and other natural objects (optional)
- Glitter
- Hole punch
- Piece of string, less than 12” in length.
- Mix glue with paint or food coloring, or use colored glue thinned with a little water.
- Paint the glue onto one sheet of wax paper.
- The paper should be well coated with glue.
- Have your child stick colorful leaves onto the paper.
- If you like, add other natural objects.
- Sprinkle glitter over the leaves.
- Paint glue onto the other sheet of wax paper, then place it on top of the first sheet.
- Press the sheets together, punch a hole near the top, then use string to hang the picture in
There are endless possibilities on creating bookmarks with a nature theme. This craft can be made using small pre-made fabric craft leaves or pre-cut paper leaves.
Have the children glue the strip down the center or offset it on the bookmark. Then place the squares on the bookmark and put a leaf on each one. Show younger children how to offset the square on the strip. Allow older children to design their own placement. Once the placement is ready, glue one square in place and then add the leaf to the top of the square. Then move on to the other squares and leaves. Select an appropriate colors for the ties. Thread one end through the hole and tie in either a knot and let the ends hang down, or tie in a bow.
Supplies: | Craft cardboard or tag board sections cut to dimensions of a bookmark, about 2 or 3 inches wide, pre-punch a small hole at the top of each bookmark Scrap paper or cardboard cut in strips about 1/2 inch wide Scrap paper or cardboard squares cut about 1 inch square Glue sticks Craft scissors with small pattern decorative edges Pre-cut small leaves Misc. decorative string, raffia, or cord, cut to lengths |
AGES: Preschool through Middle School depending on the degree of difficulty involved with the design.
Allow each child to select a background bookmark and a contrasting strip. Depending on the age and skill of the children, allow them to use craft scissors to trim the edges of the bookmark and strip. Pre-cut these for young children. Depending on the size of the pre-cut leaves, select the appropriate number of leaves and squares to put on the bookmark.Have the children glue the strip down the center or offset it on the bookmark. Then place the squares on the bookmark and put a leaf on each one. Show younger children how to offset the square on the strip. Allow older children to design their own placement. Once the placement is ready, glue one square in place and then add the leaf to the top of the square. Then move on to the other squares and leaves. Select an appropriate colors for the ties. Thread one end through the hole and tie in either a knot and let the ends hang down, or tie in a bow.
Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010
How to make Natural leaf carving

Natural leaf carving is actual manual cutting and removal of a leaf’s surface to produce an art work on a leaf.Natural leaf carving is actual manual cutting and removal of a leaf’s surface to produce an art work on a leaf. The process of carving is performed by artists using tools to carefully the surface without cutting or removing the veins. The veins add detail into the subject matter of the carving.
The material or most common leaf used in leaf carving is the leaf of a Chinar tree. The Chinar tree is native to India, Pakistan and China. Chinar leaves have a close resemblance to maple leaves.
Leaf Carvings, are exceeding all expectations in popularity. Carved from an actual leaf which has been dried and cured, Leaf Carvings come in various subject matter.
The material or most common leaf used in leaf carving is the leaf of a Chinar tree. The Chinar tree is native to India, Pakistan and China. Chinar leaves have a close resemblance to maple leaves.
Leaf art
Autumn is a beautiful time of year, when the leaves turn a rainbow of colors and fall from the trees. Besides sweeping them up and bagging them, consider putting the fallen leaves to good use. Collect them and turn them into leaf art. The multi-colored leaves make beautiful craft projects, and the best part is that they're free. However, try not to be too greedy, collect only the leaves you think you might use, as fallen leaves are good for the soil.
There are several types of crafts you can do from leaves. The only limit is your imagination. Crafts that can be used on a daily basis, like place mats and mobiles are the most fun for kids, as they get to reap the benefits. Leaf art projects include autumn leaf prints, fall collage place mats, autumn leaf mobiles and fallen leaf bookmarks.
Autumn leaf prints are made using muslin material, a hammer, construction paper, glue and scissors. Collect leaves from the ground that are still moist and in various shapes and colors. Lay the leaves on top of the muslin material and firmly pound them with a hammer until they leave a colored image. If any pieces of the leaf break off or become stuck to the paper, allow them to dry, then lightly brush them off. Frame the print with the construction paper and display it as desired.
Fall collage place mats are a favorite among young children, as they get to see their beautiful leaf art displayed where everyone can see it. In order to make this project, you will need laminating sheets or access to a print shop that has laminating services. Collect and glue autumn leaves to a piece of construction paper and draw pictures on it or make a journal entry. You can also use a favorite printed photograph and frame it out with leaves. Laminate the place mat using the thickest lamination available, to increase its life span.
Autumn leaf mobiles are a fun form of leaf art for everyone involved. In order to make this project you will, again, need laminating sheets or access to lamination services. Collect leaves in various shapes, colors and sizes and cut the stems to about 1.3 cm in length. Laminate the leaves and cut them out, leaving about 0.64 cm border around the edge of the leaf to prevent separation. Punch holes in the top of the laminated leaves, run string through them and display them on a broken twig or clothes hanger in a prominent location.
Fallen leaf bookmarks are another form of leaf art that would be fun for older children. Making this craft project requires clear shelf liner and a pair of scissors. Find several small, multicolored leaves and press them until they are flat, using two heavy books. Cut the drawer liner in to two rectangles that measure 20.3 cm by 5.1 cm. Remove the shelf liner backing, stick the flattened leaves to it and adhere the pieces together to form a bookmark.
By the way, leaf carving (or leaf sculpture) is an ancient Chinese art. In the carvings the layers of the leaf are removed to add the design or picture to the leaf. The ancient leaf carvers removed the leaf surfaces and the small veins of the leaf, with only large leaf veins remaining. Modern technology has been applied to the carvings and allows all the small veins to remain, adding substance and detail to the carving subject, with no paint, ink or laser scribing involved The skills require an incredible amount of patience to create these intricate and beautiful works.
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