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Minggu, 05 September 2010

Our Leaf luminaries

This craft may seem a bit for autumn but it is actually a NATURE CRAFT! This craft is simple and yet looks so nice when done. I hope to find a natural-looking journal and nice pencil to put with a leaf votive and maybe even a small birdfeeder- a nice nature-inspired gift.
The homemade leaf votives:
How to make them:
Collect the following items: Leaves, Glass votive or jar, white tissue paper, Mod Podge (or water-down white glue), paintbrush, small candles or tealights. White glue or hot glue.
Collect small leaves from outdoors. Be sure they are not too brittle. It is best to collect them directly off the tree or bush. Press in flower press or between pages of heavy book. Allow to press for about an hour.
I find it easiest to first attach the leaves with either regular white glue or just a few dots of hot glue. 
Allow to dry while tearing white tissue paper into small squares (approximately 1-2 inches) Using a paintbrush, paint the Mod Podge (or watered-down glue) over the leaves. Add the white tissue squares, overlapping them and also going up and over the top edge. Add a top layer of ModPodge. Allow to dry. Add candle and light (or save to give as a gift!) 

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